
Running Out of Gas

by admin

Here at The Garland Group, we are a results-oriented company. We don't put stock into standard work week hours. A Results Only Work Environment (ROWE) focuses on getting it done rather than putting in the time. It's a really fantastic way to work, but sometimes it blurs the traditional distinctions between work life and home life.

I am a software developer, and I work for The Garland Group out of my home office in Minnesota. Being able to see my office from my refrigerator further blurs the distinction when I am grabbing a late night snack and am reminded of some programming problem I need to solve.

An always present work environment in the home is really cool, but sometimes the work life fuel tank runs low and doesn't charge up as much since there is no getting away from the office. I have a few things I do to charge up that fuel tank. My favorite is motorcycling.

This afternoon I was pondering this fantastic metaphor about the empty tank and how it would make a truly profound blog post. so I decided I should go for a ride and fuel up my metaphorical tank before writing about it. So I put on my leather, gloves, boots and helmet and invited a young friend with a moped to trail along with me.

I was feeling charged up and refreshed when we got half way up Stadium Road - the biggest hill in town - where my friend's moped ran out of gas. A few minutes later I found myself in full riding gear - leather, gloves, boots, helmet - pushing a little moped through traffic up a steep hill while trying to work out in my head how this was going to support my work life metaphor.

How do you fill up your tank?