
My group of rockstars

by admin

I'm so thankful for the team we have created.

I have grown accustomed to knowing how awesome they are and end up taking it for granted at times. Perfect example, we had our developers recently go on site with our consultants to understand exactly what those guys do. After they spent a few days with them I met up with the developers to discuss what they learned. One of them astoundingly said, "Wow, those guys are studs. They just know their stuff."

He's right, they do and I'm so thankful for them.

I'm thankful for all our people because they make my job easier due to their dedication and emphasis to the team. There are many examples of every person making that extra effort to help each other out and without much fanfare. It's also amazing to see how when you give people the ability to do great things they time and time again step up to the plate. The consultants took the time and have built, in my opinion, the best technology workprogram on the planet for financial services, or the work the developers have done to hone in on our development processes to the marketing efforts, the scheduling improvements, the back operation invoicing, the list goes on.

So I write this post as a thanks to them and to let them know that they are my rockstars and I appreciate all you do for this company.