Blog Begins Partnership with Texas Bankers Association

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Social Knowledge Site Introduces New Media to Banking Industry.

With social networking sites quickly taking over in the consumer space, Texas Bankers Association is the
first to participate in this new online service that puts social media in the hands of its members. Texas Bankers
Association, the largest state association in the US, signed a contract with on Tuesday to setup a
private online community to be available exclusively to their members. TBA plans to first try it with their HR &
Training professionals with the potential to expand to the entire association at a later date.

Brad Garland, Banktastic’s CEO, says the contract shows signs that the banking industry is ready to step up
and evolve with the changing times:

“Texas Bankers Association will be one of the first associations in the country to embrace and empower
their members through a social community with Banktastic. They are positioning themselves as innovators in
the financial services space by leveraging the power of the Web to interact and engage with their members