
5 Common Programming Languages That Cause the Most Software Vulnerabilities

by Brad Garland

Over the last couple of years, many cybersecurity problems have come to light. There has been a wave of WordPress and Drupal vulnerability warnings and patches, and SQL injection bugs are being found left and right in Web applications. Many of the bugs can be traced back to PHP, but other common programming languages can also cause vulnerabilities. Using cloud-based scans and code analysis of more than 50,000 applications over 18 months, Veracode found that the following five programming languages cause the most software vulnerabilities.programming languages

1. PHP

Unlike .NET and Java, PHP doesn’t have built-in functions to reduce the risk of buffer overflows, which is partly why it’s so hard to program securely in PHP. According to Veracode, 86 percent of applications written in PHP contain at least one cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability, while 56 percent come with at least one SQL infection bug. Although SQL injection bugs are one of the most abused vulnerabilities, they’re also the easiest to fix. Work with a security consultant to keep your PHP applications safe.

2. Classic ASP

Like PHP, Classic ASP has no built-in functions to reduce the risk of buffer overflows, which hackers can exploit to steal data. Veracode found that 64 percent of applications written in Classic ASP contain at least one SQL injection bug.

3. ColdFusion

ColdFusion applications are the next most vulnerable, with 62 percent of them having at least one SQL injection bug. SQL injection is a type of attack where attackers use input text boxes to execute SQL commands that give them access to the backend database.

4. .NET

Typically taught as part of computer science courses, .NET contains built-in security functions. However, 29 percent of .NET applications still contain at least one SQL injection bug. A network security consultant can identify the risk of this kind of bug and implement solutions to lock attackers out.

5. Java

Like .NET, Java is commonly taught in computer science courses and contains built-in security functions. Veracode found that 21 percent of Java apps have at least one SQL injection bug, which means that a significant number of sites are at risk of attack.

Could your Web apps contain security vulnerabilities? No matter what programming language you use, a cybersecurity consulting service can help you identify risks and make your applications safer. Get in touch with Garland Heart to find out how we can help you stay safe.
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