IT Voice Blog

It's time to think about more than those jeans when you buy online.

Written by IT Voice | Sep 28, 2022 9:26:35 PM

There are many things that are taken for granted with information technology and security. One of the main things is online business, whether browsing or buying. Billions of online transactions take place daily where consumers enter their personal information without a thought about security. An estimated $870 billion was spent in online transactions in 2021. Future predictions dictate that number will continue to grow.

Online business has provided a convenience that many never thought imaginable, however, that same convenience could be a potential cyber threat if you’re not using an effective browser with security measures. Use of a secure browser, otherwise known as a safe browser, adds an extra layer of security that protects your personal information and helps you avoid third-party threats while you’re online. These third-party technologies utilize cookies which save your information.

Safe browsers block those third-party cookies.

Whether browsing or buying, here are some other ways to ensure that you are surfing the internet safely:
Antivirus Program – Having a good antivirus program on your device aids in the detection and removal of viruses and malware.
Pop-Up Blockers – Many pop-ups are legitimate when accessing information from a business. However, some pop-ups may be malware. Since it is difficult to differentiate between what is legitimate and what isn’t, we recommend turning your pop-up blocker on.
Clearing Cache – Once you visit a website, your browser saves those pages for future use to allow you to access those pages faster. This is done through caching. By keeping information cached, you run the risk of having your data stolen. Additionally, caching could take up space over a period of time. To be safe, once you are done with a website, clear your cache.

There are many browsers to choose from. Whatever your choice of browser, make sure that your browser has enhanced security features to protect your information. Most importantly, mitigate any potential vulnerabilities with your browser by updating your browser with the latest patches.

Security knowledge is what we do at IT Voice. We are experts in Cybersecurity and Compliance, so you don’t have to be. Reach out today to learn how our VISO team of experts can help secure your environment.